Kingdom Hearts: News

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Next Kingdom Hearts games

The three new games are coming to Japan this 2008-2009.
Kingdom Hearts Coded is the first one coming out. It is for the mobile phone, and is set to come out winter 2008. The reason for this I think is most likely because the story takes place after KH2.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is the second one coming out. It is for the Nintendo DS, and is set to come out in February 2009. My own opinion on this is because it is more of a past story, since it takes place after KHCoM but before KH2.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is the last to be released (Sorry for the bad news). It is for the PSP, and is set for Summer 2009 (again, sorry for the bad news). I personally think that the creators are doing this because the story takes place before the main Protagonist, Sora, began his adventure. Because of that fact, I makes sense for them to do this game last.