Kingdom Hearts: News

Monday, July 12, 2010

US Release of Birth by Sleep plus four new games

At long last, Birth by Sleep is coming to America. On September 7, 2010, we will be able to playthrough the story before KH1. More news on the Kingdom Hearts universe, Kingdom Hearts coded that was original made for japanese cell phones is being remade into Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded for the DS (in my opinion, I would of want it for something like the Wii or PS2/PS3) and a new game title Kingdom Hearts 3D is being made for the new 3DS, this game is most likely a sequal to KH2. There is also an untiled Kingdom Hearts game is set to be release 2011, but the story for this game is unknown. The last game is none other than Kingdom Hearts III, set to be release in 2012, in which Sora will meet Xehanort in person.


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